Anniversaries and leveraging them for good If you have an anniversary coming up, be it corporate or for a brand or service, use that as a catalyst to focus from creating content for your business to creating content for your audience. High-quality content isn’t just...
First among unequals Luxury brands are compelled to fight through all the media clutter to expand their range of visual, written and video material, and to communicate the brand’s values and story in new ways. But 70% of businesses lack a consistent or integrated...
Heritage brands need nurturing The best heritage brands need to blend innovation with tradition – but how much do you take from the past? Unlike brands that are constantly looking to reinvent themselves, heritage brands need to leverage their trust and credibility...
Marketing ‘run-out’ products Marketing ‘run-out’ products Volvo’s successful C30 model was about to be replaced by their new V40. Many units were still in the system and they were required to be cleared at the highest margin possible. By creating authentic stories...
How to publicise a 113 year old start-up How to publicise a 113 year old start-up Most know of Aston Martin, but what about its new Lagonda luxury brand? Launching a dormant brand in this crowded market take a wide range of skills, and one of them is getting the...
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