The world accommodates you for fitting in, but only rewards you for standing out We’re honoured to have guest blogger Brent Ellis share his thoughts from a car launch every bit as mould-breaking as the car itself. The Polestar 2 launch re-wrote the automotive launch...
Innovation, gadgets and gimmickry This week, my guest blogger is Marnus Hattingh, National Motoring Editor at Die Burger newspaper in Cape Town. We hear his take on the slippery world of new technology in the modern automotive landscape Modern day’s connectedness has...
How meaningful automotive content will improve your sales and marketing efforts. Top tips to get started for sustainable profit The final blog in this two-part series; ‘how your product descriptions can turbo-charge your sales conversion’, by Richard Mark Webb Last...
Automotive product content; make improvements, not excuses. Part one of a two-part blog: Why your product descriptions are one of the most important aspects of your sales conversion, by Richard Mark Webb If you’re involved in the automotive market, you already know...
‘Nudge Theory’ and how to be a choice architect for your brand Richard Mark Webb reckons brands are ‘choice architects’ and should re-think their content to provide less invasive, cheaper and effective ways to win sustainable business. Nobel economics prize winner,...
Choosing our face masks We’ve all had our fair share of inglorious failures, but should our Linkedin profile reflect that? The ‘phone rang. “Can you meet me at the 18th green to deliver the latest BMW branded golf architecture?” It was a simple enough request from a...
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